Experis Academy - Free IT Training Program in Switzerland

Experis Academy

Experis Academy is the industry leader in professional training. Every year, we train more than 1,000 professionals globally and help them find suitable job opportunities. The Experis Academy partners with experienced teachers and industry professionals to impart practical knowledge to the students. We also assist the students in their career growth and connect them with partner companies. 

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How the Experis Academy works

​More information here.

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Your benefits
  • Free further training on niche, in-demand IT skills

  • Paid employment contract with Experis AG during your 3-month studies

  • Deployment to exciting companies for 12 months, through Experis

  • Practical coding experience through intensive training

  • Internationally recognised certificate at the end of your training

  • Soft skill training and coaching sessions


As a participant in one of our graduate programs, you must have completed an IT related bachelor's degree (Computer Science, Maths, Physics, or any other related subject) and have an interest in programming. You are passionate about problem solving, a willing learner, and likes to take on tough challenges and projects both individually and in teams. You speak one of the local languages (DE, FR, IT) and are fluent in English (written and orally) and have 0-2 years of relevant experience.

Our graduate programs

Experis Academy's programs have been developed in collaboration with top IT firms and Noroff, School of technology and digital media. Graduates develop real skills that are in line with what business needs.

About the program

The Experis Academy graduate program includes an intensive 3-month learning period followed by a 12-month specialisation period in Switzerland's top IT development environments. Throughout the program, students will receive guidance from Experis mentors and coaches. Upon completing the specialisation period, graduates will have the opportunity to secure a full-time position with one of our clients.

Module duration
  • 1-2 Days - Intro: Get Ready to Code!

  • 8-9 Days - Programming Fundamentals Java

  • 10 Days - Development Approaches: Java

  • 20 Days - APIs and Data Stores: Java

  • 15 Days - Front-end Development: React or Angular

  • 6 Days - Individual Project

Total: 60 working days (12 weeks)

Application deadline

Our courses for Full Stack Java Developer start at the beginning of each quarter. This is a 12-week intensive immersive learning experience in full-stack software development using Java, SpringBoot, Postgres, & React (or Angular).

Apply now

Francesca De Chirico

Program Manager


+41 76 693 4050

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