We stand with Ukraine

Help center for Ukrainians arriving in Switzerland

by Stéphane Remegeau

ManpowerGroup is committed to supporting the people of Ukraine - through financial relief aid, on the ground humanitarian efforts, employment support and more.

Welcome to Switzerland

We wish you a warm welcome to Switzerland. In the subsequent pages, you will find some useful links to external websites to complete all paperworks necessary to stay in Switzerland as a refugee and really get started.

If you are seeking protection under the S-status (refugee), you should register directly with a federal asylum center with your ID or passport within 90 days of your arrival in Switzerland. This status entitles you to legally work in Switzerland. LEARN MORE

Useful information for incoming refugees

You have just arrived in a new country. You will find here all necessary information to live in Switzerland. LEARN MORE

I am ready to look for work

The S status entitles you to work in Switzerland. See what we can offer you. LEARN MORE

I am an employer

You are a Swiss company and want to offer positions to Ukrainian refugees. Here is what you need to know. LEARN MORE